2008年10月19日 星期日

To Caesar what is Caesar's

Return to Caesar what is Caesar's

My Sunday Scripture 2008.10.19.

They said to Jesus, "Master, we know that you are an honest man and truly teach God's way: you are not influenced by others nor are you afraid of anyone. Tell us, then, what you think: is it against the Law to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"

But Jesus understood their evil intent, and said to them, "Hypocrites! Why are you testing me? Show me the coin with which you pay the taxes."

They showed him a denarius, and Jesus said to them, "whose head is this, and whose name?" They answered, "Caesar's."Then Jesus replied, "Therefore, return to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

Matthew 22: 15-21

My reading notes:

How much we have given to Caesar? Almost most of ourselves. How much we have given to God? It depends.

Some people thought we need to have a balance between the earthly interest and the heavenly interest. But to my view, the two kinds of interest are not contradicted. When one finds oneself totally committed and dedicated, he will never have such problems. To pay tax is nothing to him, but to dedicate wholeheartedly, is the issue.
